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Webinar Recording: Resist-Refuse Dynamics and Effects on Children

$50.00 inc. GST

This pre-recorded webinar runs for 1.5 hours and can be purchased online and accessed at any time.


Resist-Refuse dynamics (RRD) is a term used in the context of high-conflict divorces or separations which involve children 

It refers to the patterns of behaviour exhibited by parents or caregivers when they resist or refuse to cooperate with each other about child custody, visitation, and co-parenting arrangements.  

These dynamics can have significant negative effects on children involved in such situations. 

As such, strategies for promoting healthy parent-child contact are essential for the wellbeing and healthy development of children.  

They also contribute to a healthy society by fostering positive family dynamics and healthier communities. 

In this webinar, you’ll learn strategies to manage Resist-Refuse dynamics and promote healthy contact between separated parents and their children. 

Learning outcomes

During this webinar, you will learn:

  • 3 essential coping abilities that children need to master in order to adjust successfully  
  • 3 interventions that can be useful in addressing parent-child contact problems before they become entrenched and severe 
  • 3 factors that may cause or contribute to parent-child contact problems  
  • 2 community resources that may be helpful in promoting healthy parent-child contact 
  • 3 steps that professionals can take when trauma is suspected or alleged.

Ideal for

Professionals working in mediation, family dispute resolution, family courts, community services organisations, health services, social work, counselling and family relationship services.

About the presenter

Lyn R. Greenberg, Ph.D., ABPP has over 30 years’ experience working with court-involved children and families. She provides parenting plan coordination, specialised treatment, consultation, training and expert witness services. She is the lead author and editor of ‘Evidence Informed Intervention for Court-Involved Families’ and has been recognized by both the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) and the American Psychological Association for her work.


Accessing your training 

  • When you purchase this training event, a new account in the RAV learning Management system (Moodle) will be automatically created. This is our new online learning hub – where you can access all of our upcoming training and professional development programs.

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